About me
I earned my Masters's degree in Contemplative Psychotherapy at Naropa University back in 2012.
During that time I spent 2 years working within the boulder county jail system focusing on therapeutic treatment and reentry programs for helping people transition to a life of wellness.
My training in working with trauma involves completing over 200 hours of training in the Containment And Response (CAR) and R-CAR somatic trauma protocol.
During my time at Naropa, I completed their mindfulness instructor training and spent 3 semesters as an instructor of mindfulness meditation for the students.
Leave Behind Your Emotional Armor
In my own personal journey of growth, I found a deep appreciation for practices devoted to emotional well-being and fluency. Specifically practices that invite people to leave behind the hard emotional armor we've often been told to wear, and begin to address the real emotional human self that hides underneath it.
Some of those practices for me include being passionate about Latin dance, the vulnerability of performance art, music creation, and the intersection of personal growth and body movement. In my free time I'm a dance performer, jazz musician, music composer, and a man on a lifetime path of growth.
Why work with me?
I often find that people come to work with me who feel some degree of stagnancy in their life. When we start working together it is because they have made some choice to create movement toward the life they most want to be living.
They come to me for help starting the momentum and to gain a better understanding of the process of movement.

Working with emotions
One thing I find to be true for most people is that we almost always have I tough time working with our emotions, especially when they feel intense. In response to difficult emotions, people often turn to coping strategies they developed very early in life. While these once worked well enough for a young person growing up, as an adult we may find that the same strategies just don't work anymore.
In fact, we may even realize there are much more adaptive ways of working with our emotions.
In my work, I help guide people through their difficult experiences so that they can understand an effective path exists. Once we learn that we can be with our experience, be with all of our emotion, then there is no need to run from life. We can begin to meet life as it is, and in the words of Carl Rogers (a father of humanistic psychology), "The curious paradox is that when I accept myself just as I am, then I can change."
Schedule a Free Consultation
When times are hard, taking the next step to reach out and talk to someone can feel really difficult. However, it's in these difficult moments that it becomes especially important to take that next step so we don't stay stuck. I understand what it's like to go through tough times, and if you're in that tough place I want you to know I'm here to help.
Take the next step, reach out and set up a free 30-minute consultation to begin exploring how you can make the change in your life that you most want.